Academic Report Notice of Lin Wang : Learning-Based Optimization and Reverse Modeling


Speaker:Professor Lin Wang

Affiliation:Ji'nan University (Shandong province)

Title:Learning-Based Optimization and Reverse Modeling

Time:June 11, 2024 (Tuesday)16:00

Location:290 Arts and Sciences Building

AbstractOptimization is a critical field in machine learning for inducing models according to data or rewards. However, the optimization itself could also benefit from learning. In this talk, we will first rethink the No-Free-Lunch Theorem to find its loophole and exhibit some learning-based optimizers. Another section will focus on scientific modeling. We will introduce the evolving reverse modeling which brings a gleam of dawn for discovering knowledge and distilling natural laws. Some real-world examples of evolving reverse modeling will be exhibited.

Personal Introduction:Lin Wang, Ph.D., Ph.D. Supervisor, Professor of School of Information Science and Engineering, Jinan University, and Executive Deputy Director of Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing Technology for Network Environment. He was awarded the Outstanding Youth Fund for Natural Science of Shandong Province, Young Expert of Taishan Scholars of Shandong Province, Excellent Youth of Shandong Province, Excellent Graduate Student Tutor of Shandong Province, and Jinan Young Science and Technology Star Program.He served as a part-time Associate Professor and Graduate Student Tutor at the University of Waterloo, Canada, from 2016-2018, and a part-time Ph.D. Tutor at Suwon University, Korea, since 2017. Currently, he serves as the director of ACM Computer Science Education Division China, the secretary-general of ACM Jinan Chapter, the deputy secretary-general of Shandong Artificial Intelligence Society and the secretary-general of the Organization Work Committee, the member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, the executive director of Shandong Artificial Intelligence Society, and the council member of Shandong Computer Society. He serves as the co-chair of the program committee of IEEE SPAC, a member of the program committee of ACM SIGCSE China, AAAI, ICONIP and other important international conferences. He is mainly engaged in the research work in the fields of machine learning, inverse modeling, and scientific computing. In recent years, he has published 105 papers in important academic journals and international conferences at home and abroad, such as IEEE TEVC, TNNLS, TSMCS, TCYB, TCDS, TFS, AAAI, IJCAI, GECCO, SCIENCE CHINA, JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE, etc., and has been authorized with 5 national invention patents. The results of machine learning inversion cement model were selected as the special issue of the top journal of ceramic materials, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. He was awarded the second prize of Shandong Province Scientific and Technological Progress, the first prize of Shandong Province Artificial Intelligence Natural Science, the Shandong Province Natural Science Academic Innovation Award, and the ACM Jinan Rising Star Award.